We host your LRS services on our site

A Learning Record Store (LRS) is learning and activity record repository.


EdTotal is like an LMS except:


  • edTotal LRS costs hundreds of thousands of dollars less
  • edTotal LRS is much simpler to implement
  • edTotal LRS creates a better learning environment
  • edTotal LRS can track and report field, floor and onsite checklists, tests and certifications
  • edTotal LRS can integrate with CRM and other systems
  • edTotal LRS is designed to work with mobile learning solutions

People want to learn where they are, when they want, on mobile devices. An LMS system simply cannot accommodate this.


LRS Hosting
EdTotal can host LRS services, providing tracking, compliance and completion records for employees and contractors in your organization.


LRS Install
EdTotal can host, install, configure, and implement a mobile learning platform and LRS within your organization’s infrastructure.




LRS Integration with LMS
EdTotal can also host, install, configure and integrate an LRS that works with your current LMS.



Tin Can/Experience API Integration
The LRS is based on the mobile learning and compliance record-keeping standard Tin Can/Experience API. As users interact with and complete Tin Can-enabled online activities and courses, the record of their activity is sent to the edTotal LRS.

  • "Corey Anderson attests to reading and understanding the travel and expense policy."
  • "Jackie Watson completed Diversity training."
  • "Colin Hines inspected the conveyer belt."


The edTotal LRS comes with its own reporting tool. The LRS can also store and access for outside reporting tools.